Writing and Publishing Policies



1. ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science) is an international refereed journal and publishes based on the basis of issues. 

2. ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science) is a journal publishing manuscripts from all fields of social sciences. Within this framework, it welcomes original scientific essays, translations, translation-scripts, interviews, introductory papers for books, articles, symposiums, panels or scientific activities and necrology texts. In addition, symposium declarations may also be published, provided that the place of presentation, the meeting and the date are stated and it was not previously published elsewhere. However, the author is responsible in case of a possible problem arising from this publication activity.

3. The manuscripts submitted to ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science) must not have been published or be under consideration for publication in any other media at the time of being submitted in the system.

4. Those who want to submit a manuscript to ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science) for publication must register for the Essay Tracking System and submit their work thereby.

5. Since, at the stage of publication, the name which was used for registration is going to be added to the works that are considered worthy of being published, the authors have to register for Essay Tracking System with the name they use in course of their academic activities.

6. The submittance of any manuscript to the electronic system of ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science) is considered as an application for the publication of it in the journal and the assessment process of the manuscript begins.

7. All of the procedures in the process starting with the application until the publication of the manuscript are carried out electronically.

8. Publication and copyrights of the manuscripts that are sent to the ASOSJOURNAL  (The Journal of Academic Social Science) to be published are transferred to the journal. Those manuscripts may not be published, reproduced or used without reference in any form of publication medium, without the prior permission of the board of the journal. ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science) keeps the right to publish in other media the texts that it previously published.

9. Any kind of legal, juridical, economic or ethical liability likely to arise because of the manuscripts sent to  ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science) belongs to the author of the script, even after the publication. The Journal acknowledges no responsibility.

10. The language of publication for ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science) is Turkish; however, the manuscripts written in English, German, French, Persian etc. are also taken into consideration and published in case they are evaluated as convenient by the referees.


11. No names or information to uncover the identity of the author should be included in the manuscripts submitted to the system of ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science). The information regarding the authors of the manuscripts that are accepted after the assessment of the referees will be added by the editors during publication.

12. Each manuscript submitted to the system of ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science) is firstly evaluated by the editor or assistant editors in terms of relevance to the principles of spelling and publication. At the end of this evaluation, if there are any corrections to be made, the manuscript will be returned by the editors to the author to make the necessary changes.

13. The manuscripts that do not correspond to the principles of spelling will not be forwarded to referees.

14. The manuscripts corresponding to the principles of spelling and publishing are forwarded to the referees. At least two referees are chosen to assess every manuscript approved by editors. The referees are chosen among the specialist of the field or department represented in the text.

15. The names of the referees and authors are confidential to each other.

16. The evaluation period of the manuscripts for the referees is 20 days at most. Another referee will be assigned for the scripts that were not reported at the end of this period.

17. The manuscript that receives two favorable referee reports is qualified for publication. The ones receiving one favorable and one unfavorable report are forwarded to a third referee and it is decided whether the manuscript will be published according to the report of the third referee.

18. The referees may want to see the manuscripts for which they asked corrections. In case that demand is stated in the report, the corrected form of the text will automatically be sent to the referee by the system.

19. The authors may object to the referee’s report within a reasonable frame and with convincing data. The objections are investigated by the board of the journal and if relevant, another referee (or referees) may be consulted about the subject.

20. For the manuscripts submitted to the electronic system of ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science), the authors may trace in which phase of the evaluation process their text is at that moment, by using their membership information. The process of refereeing should be followed carefully, and since the system allows corrections for once only, the author is recommended to wait until both of the referees complete their evaluation and upload their reports into the system.

21. The editors strictly follow the corrections demanded by the referees. Thus, editors may decide whether to publish a manuscript or not.

22. The design of the manuscripts, their introduction to international indexes and purchasing of DOI number are carried out by Asos Yayıncılık Eğitim ve Danışmanlık Hiz. San. Tic. Ltd. Co. The authors of the essays completing the refereeing process have to deposit the publication fee into account belonging to Asos Publishing. The essays for which the mentioned fee is not deposited will not be published. No such fee is demanded for the essays not qualified for being published at the end of evaluation.


23. At the beginning of the original essays submitted to ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science) for being published, there must be included, both in Turkish and in English, an at least 100-word and at most 150-word Abstract , Keywords consisting of 3 to 5 words and the Title.

24. The abstracts (Turkish and English), including the key words,  should be typed  1 cm indented on each side.

25. For the citations in the manuscripts, either of APA or MLA systems can be used according to the preference of authors and certainly paying attention to a coherent standard throughout the text.

26. At the end of the text, a list of the sources used in the text should be given under the title REFERENCES. In this list of references used in the text, the names of authors are given in alphabetical order of names of the authors.

27. The manuscripts should not include headers, footers or page numbers.

28. For spelling and punctuation, the dictionary of spelling by the Turkish Language Association will be used as a source, except the differences based on the content of the text.

29. For the studies in which a special font type that is not included in Microsoft Word program is used, the font file should also be submitted to the system together with the essay.

30. The manuscripts to be submitted to the system should be formatted by the author based on the following criteria:

             Paper feed: A4 Vertical (No horizontal lines should be included in the essay)

             Top margin:  3 cm

             Bottom Margin: 3 cm

             Left Margin:  3 cm

             Right Margin: 3 cm

             Font Type: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12-point for the title, 11 for the text, 10 for the abstracts and 9 for the  footnotes

             Paragraph Spacing: First 6 nk – then 0 nk

             Paragraph Indent:  1 cm First Line in the text, 0.4 cm Hanging for footnotes

             Line Spacing: 1.15 for the text, single for footnotes

31. Manuscripts that do not conform in any way to the Publication Principles of ASOSJOURNAL (The Journal of Academic Social Science)will not be taken into consideration.




Book, single author

Surname, Name, (Year of Publication), Title, Place of Publication.

Taşkın, Ünal, (2013), Osmanlı İdaresinde Safed (1516-1600), Orta Doğu Araştırmaları Merkezi Yayınları, No: 21, Elazığ.

Bayrak, Özcan, (2013), Tevfik Fikret’in Şiirlerinde Mekân ve Algı, Kesit Yayınları, İstanbul.


 Book, two or three authors

Surname, Name; Surname, Name; Surname, Name, (Year of Publication), Title, Place of Publication.

Yıldırım, A.; Şimşek, H., (2008), Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara

Çetişli, İ.; Çetin, N.; Doğan, A.; Gür, A.; Demir, Ş.; Karataş, C.; (2007), II. Meşrutiyet Dönemi Türk Edebiyatı, Akçağ Yayınları, Ankara.


Translated Book

Surname, Name, (Year of Publication), Title (Trans., ), Place of Publication,

Person , Carol S., (2003), İçimizdeki Kahraman (Çev., Semra Ayanbaşı), Akaşa Yay., İstanbul.

Livigston, Ray, (1998), Geleneksel Edebiyat Teorisi (Çev., Necat Özdemiroğlu), İnsan Yayınları, İstanbul.



Author’s Name/Title, Place, Volume,Periodical ,

Esad Ef., Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, No: 3468, İstanbul.

Hoca Sadettin, Tacü’t-Tevarih I-II, İstanbul, 1279.


Anonymous Book

Title, (Year of Publication), Place of Publication,

İmlâ Kılavuzu, (2000), Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara

Türkçe Sözlük I-II, (1998), Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 9. Baskı, Ankara.


A Chapter in an Edited Book

Surname, Name, (Year of Publication), “Chapter Title”, (Ed. Name and Surname of Editor) Name of the Book,Place of Publication

İnalcık, Halil, (1998), “Çiftliklerin Doğuşu: Devlet, Toprak Sahipleri ve Kiracılar”, (Ed. Çağlar Keyder, Faruk Tabak), Osmanlıda Toprak Mülkiyeti ve Ticari Tarım, s. 17-35, İstanbul.



Surname, Name, (Date), Title of the Thesis, Institute,Place of Publication.

Gürlek, Mehmet, (2011), İbrahim Bin Abdullah'ın Cerrah-Name (Alaim-i Cerrahin) (Giriş-Metin-Sözlük), Marmara Üniversitesi, Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, İstanbul.



Surname, Name, (Date), “Title of the Essay”, Title of the Journal, Place of Publication.

Alpagut, Uğur, (2013), “Cumhuriyet’in İlk Yıllarında Müzik Eğitiminin Yaygınlaştırılması”, Milli Folklor, Y. 25, S. 97, s. 210-230.


Essays of multiple Authors

Surname, Name; Surname, Name, (Date), “Title of the Essay”, Title of the Journal, Place of Publication.

Genç, Yusuf; Ustabaşı, Dilara, (2013), “Almanya’daki Türk Öğrencilerin Psiko-Sosyal Gelişimleri ve Kimlik Oluşumları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Jass Studies, Volume 6/3, s. 213-238, Fransa.


Symposium/Conference Paper

Surname, Name, (Date), “Title of Paper”, Name of the Activity, Date of Activity, Editor (if there is one) Publisher, Pages, Place of the Activity

Topaktaş, Hacer (2012), “Polonya Arşivlerinden Archıwum Glówne Akt Dawnych (Agad) ve Osmanlı Tarihine Dair Belge Koleksiyonları” “Dilleri ve Kültürleri Yok Olma Tehlikesine Maruz Türk Toplulukları”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2012, Bahar (16), s. 215-222.

Gözübüyük, F. Meral, (2012), “Adıyaman ve Kültürel Ortam”, I. Uluslararası Kommagene Kültür, Sanat ve Turizm Sempozyumu, 24-25 Haziran 2010, (Ed. Bahir Selçuk), Adıyaman Üniversitesi, s. 59-74, Adıyaman.


Encyclopedia Entry

Surname, Name, (Date), “Entry Name”,Name of the Encyclopedia, V:,Publisher, pp., Place of Publication.

Bayraktar, Mehmet, (1996), “Dâvûd-ı Kayseri”, Diyanet İslam Ansiklopedisi (DİA), C. IX, s. 32-35, İstanbul.


 Newspaper Article

Surname, Name, “Article Title”, Newspaper Title, Date.

Akyol, Taha, (2005), “Sosyal Bilim Ödülleri”, Milliyet. CİVAOĞLU, Güneri, (2013), “Petrol ve Kan”, Milliyet.



Name of the Institional WEB Page/ Institution, Web Address

Milli Kütüphane, Milli Kütüphane, www.mkutup.gov.tr

YÖK, Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu, www.yok.gov.tr.gov.tr


Television or Radio Broadcast

Writer of the Film/Work,Title, Date, Director, Producer

Cumali, Necati, Susuz Yaz, (1963), Yön., Metin Erksan, Yap., Metin Erksan, Ulvi Doğan.



Yıldız, Hasan (Dir.), Sultanların İzinde, (2012), Yap., Hasan Yıldız. TRT.



Öztan, Ziya (Yön.), Kurtuluş, (1994), Eser: Turgut Özakman.


Foreign Film/ Serial/Documentary

Emmerich, Roland (Yön.), MÖ. 10.000, (2008), Berlin.